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Our Recent Activities

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1st UNECE Forum on Education for Sustainable Development

Our CEO, Aislinn, was invited to the UNECE Forum on Education for Sustainable Development hosted by the Government of Cyprus. She spoke on the panel on "Bridging the Generational Gap for Knowledge Transfer", emphasizing the importance of intergenerational knowledge exchange for innovative sustainability solutions. The discussion highlighted successful initiatives and strategies contributing to the UNECE Strategy on ESD 2021-2030.

MED-9 Mediterranean Ministerial Dialogue'24

Our CEO, Aislinn, attended the MED-9 Mediterranean Ministerial Dialogue hosted by the Government of Cyprus. This High-Level Forum focused on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Green Transition in the Mediterranean Region, covering topics like ESD framework implementation in curricula, integrating green and digital learning practices, adopting a whole school and institution approach, and enhancing cooperation, networking, and financing for ESD.

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Interaction with Ambassador of the Philippines to India

Our Vice President - Women Empowerment, Danika, along with volunteers Avi and Angela, attended a meeting with H.E. Josel F. Ignacio, Ambassador of the Philippines to India. The discussion focused on strategic cooperation between the two countries and strengthening defense ties to address challenges in the Indo-Pacific region.

Academic Council on the UN Systems Annual Meeting'24

At the ACUNS Annual Meeting'24, ECB Sustainable Youth Foundation organized 4 roundtables focusing on climate resilience post-COP28, youth engagement in policy, education funding and child protection challenges, and advancing women’s leadership through SDGs. Our Youth Ambassador, Kiara, CEO, Aislinn, Chairperson, Parth, Resident Coordinator, Lutfiyya, and Volunteer, Kritika, served as speakers and chairs. We also engaged speakers from prestigious institutes including University of Oxford, UN University, and University College London.

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QUAD Report: Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

Our intern, Avi, attended QUAD Report Launch on Diplomacy and Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. He interacted with Shri. Nagaraj Naidu Kakanur, Joint-Sectary of Americas Division of Indian Ministry of External Affairs, Ms. Patricia A. Lacina, Deputy Ambassador of US to India, Mr. Takashi Ariyoshi, Deputy Ambassador of Japan to India, and Mr. Nicholas McCaffrey, Acting High Commissioner of Australia to India. Post the event, he also had a discussion with the Japanese Deputy Ambassador to India.

G-20 Youth Forum'24

Our Resident Coordinator, Lutfiyya, has been appointed as the Head of the South African Delegation for the Y-20 Brazil 2024. This prestigious role underscores her leadership and commitment to representing South Africa's youth on a global platform, focusing on critical issues and forging international collaborations, while also serving as voice of the entire global south.

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Menstrual Hygiene Drive

We collaborated with Limitless Stree to organize an extensive menstrual hygiene drive aimed at promoting awareness and sustainable practices. Through this initiative, we highlighted the critical link between menstrual hygiene and other thematic areas such as environmental sustainability, and grassroots innovation. By engaging communities, we aimed at fostering a supportive environment for addressing menstrual health challenges while advocating for sustainable solutions.

Advancing Sustainable Waste Management Practices

n collaboration with Greener is Cleaner South Korea, we spearheaded a comprehensive series of 4 impactful webinars on advancing sustainable waste management practices. The sessions delved into critical aspects of waste management, from understanding its environmental and societal impacts to promoting sustainable practices of reduce, reuse, and recycle. We explored innovative technological solutions for efficient waste management and emphasized the crucial role of community engagement to drive meaningful change.

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7th UN Global Compact Gender Equality Summit

Our Director - Climate Change Mitigation, Aanchal, along with volunteers Arpita and Angela, and our Research Intern Shivika, participated in the United Nations Global Compact Gender Equality Summit 2024. Our team engaged actively in insightful discussions, workshops, and networking sessions aimed at fostering actionable strategies to promote gender equality in corporate policies, leadership roles, and sustainable development initiatives.

Interview by NewzRooom Africa

Our Resident Coordinator - South Africa, Lutfiyya was interviewed by NewzRoom Afrika alongside other influential student leaders. The interview focused on reflecting upon South African democracy ahead of the May 2024 General Elections, highlighting the role of youth engagement and civic participation in shaping the country's political future.

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UN Commission on Status of Women 68th Session

Our Resident Coordinator - UK, Lipakshi, was honored to be selected as part of the UN Women UK Delegation at the 68th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW). She contributed to critical discussions on gender equality and women's rights, engaging with international leaders and stakeholders to advocate for progressive policies and initiatives that empower women globally.

AIESEC Youth Speak Forum'24

In a testament to our commitment to youth empowerment and sustainable development, our esteemed Advisor,  Siddharth Rajhans; CEO, Aislinn; and Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Parth, were recently invited as distinguished speakers at the AIESEC Youth Speak Forum at Graphic Era University in Dehradun to address 500 youth. Their presentations, spanning topics such as SDGs, youth empowerment, and entrepreneurship, resonated deeply with the audience, igniting inspiration and catalyzing positive change.

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Raisina Dialogue'24

Our Executive-Director & Chief of Staff, Hrithik, attended the prestigious Raisina Dialogue, where he engaged with notable dignitaries including H.E. Jorge Quiroga (Former President of Bolivia), H.E. Elina Valtonen (Foreign Minister of Finland), Shri Ajay Bisaria (Former Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan and Canada) and Prof. Harsh V Pant (Vice-President, ORF). These interactions facilitated meaningful discussions on global affairs & diplomatic relations, furthering our commitment to fostering international dialogue and collaboration.

UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development'24

At the UN Economic Commission for Europe Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, ECB Sustainable Youth Foundation organized two impactful panel discussions: "Achieving Net-Zero: EU's Path to 90% Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction by 2040" and "Empowering Youth for Sustainable Development: Accelerating Agenda 2030 in the UNECE Region." These sessions emphasized strategies for sustainable transformation and the crucial role of youth in advancing Agenda 2030 and the SDGs.

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Road to COP29

Arjun Sanghi, our Resident Coordinator for Australia, took part in "From Consensus to Action - The Road to COP29." This significant event served as a platform to unite diverse stakeholders in a collective effort. The focus was on assessing the achievements of COP28, pinpointing challenges, and collaboratively shaping the trajectory for COP29. Arjun's participation exemplifies our commitment to actively contribute to the global dialogue on climate action and sustainable development.

Interaction with Secretary-General of Foreign Dept., Ireland

Our Resident Coordinator - Australia, Arjun Sanghi, recently had the honor of attending a diplomatic event where he engaged in discussions with Mr. Joe Hackett, Secretary-General of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland. The event also provided an opportunity to meet and interact with H.E. Kevin Kelly, Ambassador of Ireland to India.Focused on the broad contours of Irish foreign policy, the event delved into critical topics, including the ongoing question of Irish neutrality and priority areas in India-Ireland bilateral relations.


USI Annual UN Forum'23

Our Founder and Chairperson attended the USI Annual UN Forum, centered around the theme "IHL & Peacekeeping." He engaged in enlightening discussions with multiple dignitaries,  including the UN Resident Coordinator in India, senior ICRC officials, heads of UN bodies in India, Vice Chief of Defence Staff, Force Commanders, Defence Attachés, and military officials from various countries. This dynamic interaction facilitated exchange of insights and perspectives, contributing to discourse on IHL and the vital role of peacekeeping. 

Capacity-Building Session at Seton Hill University, USA

Our Founder and Chairperson, Parth, was honored to deliver a compelling lecture at Seton Hill University, engaging with Global Studies students. In collaboration with Mr. Shivansh, CEO of City One Initiative, they both discussed diverse social projects, covering diverse themes ranging from prisoner rights to sustainability. This dynamic session aimed to inspire and equip students to drive positive change in their communities. The session not only expanded the students' horizons but also fostered dialogue on impactful social projects.


Why Renewable Energy is a Necessity and not a Choice

Invited by EnactusMLNC, University of Delhi, our Chairperson, Parth, conducted an enlightening session on renewable energy and sharing his experiences from Sustainable Energy for All (SEforAll) Forum'22 Rwanda, Africa. Covering the crucial role of renewables in shaping a sustainable future, Parth presented a special case study, shedding light on how UN Peacekeeping missions can catalyze the transition to renewable energy. Post-session, he interacted with students, offering guidance for impactful work in the renewable energy sector.

Lecture at Army Public School Clement Town

In the flagship edition of ECB's "Beyond the Books: The Path to Unconventional Excellence" series, our Chairperson, Parth, was invited by Army Public School Clement Town for delivering a lecture. Touching upon SDGs, entrepreneurial actions, and embracing unconventionalism, he engaged with 900 high-school students, fostering inspiration and guidance. After the lecture, an interactive session allowed Parth to connect with the students, understand their aspirations, and provide valuable guidance on how to achieve them.


New Delhi Global Youth Summit at Shri Ram College of Com.

During the New Delhi Global Youth Summit at Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi, ECB Sustainable Youth Foundation organized a dynamic workshop on "Sustainability Leadership & Decision-making." Addressing policy coherence, decision-making, and economic & governance models, our CEO, Aislinn, and Chairperson, Parth inspired and guided students, parents, and professors.

Global Peace Day Annual Summit'23

As a distinguished speaker at the Global Peace Day Annual Summit, our Chairperson,Parth, emphasized the nexus between climate change and international peace & security. His insights shed light on the pivotal role of youth in mobilizing for peace, aligning with the spirit of International Day of Peace.


Capacity-Building on Regional MEAs Administered by UNEP

Pioneering capacity-building initiatives, ECB Sustainable Youth Foundation organized three impactful sessions for UNEP CYMG, focusing on Regional MEAs administered by UNEP. Led by our CEO, Chairperson, and Chief of Staff, these sessions covered the Bamako, Tehran, and Abidjan Conventions, fostering knowledge and empowerment.

Dialogue with H.E. Erik Solheim

During a G-20 summit session, our CEO, Aislinn, engaged in a thought-provoking dialogue with H.E. Erik Solheim, 6th Executive-Director of UNEP, exploring the impact of US-China tensions on Sustainable Development. The conversation also delved into Solheim's experiences during his China visit, providing valuable insights for our ongoing commitment to global sustainability.


G-20 School Students' Summit'23

Invited as a distinguished panelist at the G-20 School Students' Summit, our Chairperson, Parth, shared pragmatic insights to the attending on accelerating climate action and sustainable development. His participation contributed valuable perspectives to a panel featuring young achievers.

G-20 Changemakers Summit'23

ECB Sustainable Youth Foundation partnered with G-20 Changemakers Summit, organized in collaboration with Civil-20, Women-20 & Youth-20, and orchestrated 12 impactful sessions and panel discussions, uniting participants from 137 countries globally. Our leadership, including the Chairperson, CEO, Chief of Staff, and executive team members, took the stage, contributing insights in nine sessions.


Chief Guest at Gaurs Model United Nations'23

As esteemed Chief Guests at Gaurs International School's Model UN Conference, our CEO, Aislinn, and our Chairperson, Parth, graced the opening ceremony, sharing inspiring words with the gathering. They further engaged with delegates across various committees, offering encouragement and guidance for a successful conference.

G-20 Civil Society Engagement Forum'23

Our Chairperson, Parth, was invited by Civil-20 (Official Civil Society Engagement Forum of G-20) for SEWA Summit. During the two day summit, our Chairperson interacted with the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh and held multiple bilateral meetings with various policymakers, stakeholders, and administration officials across the G-20 nations, for forging collaborations to lead and make positive impact on communities. 

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Academic Council on the UN Systems Annual Meeting'23

ECB Sustainable Youth Foundation actively participated in the Annual Meeting of Academic Council on the United Nations Systems. Our Chairperson, Parth, served as a panelist on a panel discussion on UN backed Hybrid Courts, while serving as chair of another panel on Role of Civil Society Organizations in Accelerating Progress on SDGs. Our CEO, Aislinn, and our COO, Kaira, also participated actively in the discussions as panelists and covered multiple crucial operational aspects of youth led Civil Society Organizations.

Empowering Zimbabwean Communities for Climate Action

ECB Sustainable Youth Foundation collaborated with The Green Initiative in Zimbabwe for empowering communities facing the burnt of climate change. Under this collaboration, ECB Sustainable Youth Foundation will offer capacity building programs to Zimbabweans aged 14 - 40 years in vulnerable communities. The programs will create a generation of Agents of Change who will lead their communities and make them resilient to impacts of climate change.


75th Anniversary of Indo-Swiss Relations

On 6th March 2023, our Chairperson, Parth, was invited by the Swiss Embassy to celebrate the occasion of 75th anniversary of Indo-Swiss Relations. He interacted with ambassadors of various countries & heads of think tanks, and discussed about wide spreading best sustainability practices from their countries to advance on SDGs. He also discussed various collaborative ideas. Concurrently, he interacted with Defence Attachés of multiple countries during Regional Security Dialogue and discussed about various geostrategic issues and international military cooperation.  

Events during Raisina Dialogue'23

Our Chairperson, Parth, attended numerous events during the Raisina Dialogue 2023. During these events, he interacted with various stakeholders and academic institution representatives, including IE University, and discussed about better integration of sustainable development in present educational frameworks for capacity building of students. He also met numerous entrepreneurs & founders of start-ups, and discussed about maximising the positive social & environmental impacts of their companies.


Visit to United Service Institution of India

Post an invitation after an interaction with Deputy-Director of United Service Institution of India (USI), Our CEO, Aislinn, and our Chairperson, Parth, visited USI and conversed with the Director-General and Director-Editor. USI being Asia's oldest defence think tank, they discussed about the interplay between climate change & UN Peacekeeping missions, and role of youth & women in transforming peace operation. Our CEO & Chairperson were also asked to write an article for USI's special journal on UN Peacekeeping.

Marathon to raise awareness about de-addiction

In order to raise awareness about de-addiction and rehabilitation, our Chairperson, Parth, and our Executive Director, Hrithik Singh, took part in a marathon organised on 26th February 2023 to sensitise public about ill-effects of alcohol & drugs. Parth & Hrithik also used this opportunity to shed light on the importance of behavioural changes to combat climate change, and walking as a win-win approach for both health and the planet. The event was also attended by various Members of Parliament and Members of UP Legislative Assembly. 


1st UN Global Compact Circular Economy Summit

On 31st January 2023, our Chairperson, Parth, attended UN Global Compact's maiden Summit on Circular Economy. During the summit, he interacted with senior leadership of various intergovernmental organisations and business tycoons, and discussed about a just transition to inclusive green economies. Meanwhile, he interacted with students from multiple economic institutions and guided them on engaging with various sectors. He also served as an organiser of the summit.

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